What to value:✝✝
Calmness, clarity, curiosity, compassion, caring, commitment, confidence, courage, creativity, cheerfulness, and connectedness.
Discipline over desire.
Commitment to the tribe who is bringing forth the shared goals.
Forgiveness & reconciliation over conflict.
Happiness for others over jealousy.
Acceptance over resentment.
Empathy over judgment.
Composure over foolishness.
Humility over pride.
Kindness over anguish.**
Autonomy over tyranny.^^^
Independence of your circle over dependence on others.
Personal responsibility over ideology.^^^^
Intentionality over distractions (such as technology but could be hobbies)
What to do:
Act with character [consistent with your values]. React with control.
Be constantly aware of your agency.*
Build strength to defy nature.*******
Take responsibility when others are uncertain.
Be composed when others are anxious.
Help others ascend to higher awareness.****
Protect those who are weaker than you.^^
Honor the truth; don’t deal in falsehoods.*****
Seek wisdom. Explore, be curious, learn, meditate, reflect – increase your own awareness (to decrease your ignorance and folly).
Don’t take yourself seriously. It’s just a dream.
Build with those who are fully committed to this shared dream.^^^^^