We believe that each person’s character should be the most valuable possession that a person can have. Character can be compromised by the individual, but no one else can take away a person’s character. While actions will have consequences outside of a person’s control, only the individual can decide if their actions are consistent with wise, honorable, and praiseworthy intentions. Character is built one decision at a time. We defy malevolence by choosing to have character in all areas of our life.

We believe that suffering is an unavoidable part of the human experience. Some suffering stems from our biology: hunger, disease, death, etc. Some suffering stems from our own actions, such as sacrificing comfort for fitness. But most suffering is tragically unnecessary and is perpetuated by attachment to false value judgments. We defy unnecessary suffering by taking responsibility for our lives and practicing discipline and detachment. 

We believe that beliefs are the boundaries a person automatically creates in their life to try to bring order to the chaos of existence. Without these beliefs, life would be overwhelming. A person’s beliefs guide what is important to that person and what is worth pursuing. We defy ignorance by choosing to view all of our beliefs as suspect and consciously evaluating those beliefs we choose to adhere to.

We believe that people experience the world through a perceived self of existential priority, but that if you maintain such a perspective, it leads many people to anxiety, depression, loneliness, and lack of meaning. People can thrive when they face the reality of what is, exert agency over things that they can influence, and join in common purpose. We are stronger together. We defy loneliness by striving towards a shared goal of life together.

We believe that nature is completely indifferent and uncaring to the plight of humans. While humans strive to find meaning in life, nature majestically carries on without regard for our quest for purpose. We defy nature by preparing for the unexpected and encouraging the responsible stewardship of natural resources. 

We believe that religious tradition has helped form our society, but certain superstitious beliefs are not consistent with empirical evidence or rationality. Therefore, we are not concerned with these metaphysical beliefs, including life after death. Instead, we continue the religious tradition by trying to live each day focused on metaphorically creating heaven on earth in the present reality. We worship the archetypical, formless Spirit of Light that lives in all who shine the light of beauty, strength, and wisdom in a dark world filled with malevolence, suffering, and ignorance. We defy creating hell on earth by appreciating the beauty in the present moment.

We believe that fate is the consequences of a chain of actions stretching back farther than we can perceive. Great accomplishments are the summation of uncountable choices that preceded. We believe that a person’s actions define the consensus reality. We defy powerlessness by choosing to focus our collective actions on creating the shared goal of our tribe surviving and thriving.

We believe that people who have committed themselves to acting with character in the present moment; practicing discipline & responsibility in their life; accepting their present circumstances but taking action to attain the shared goal; detaching themselves from things outside of their control and from their false value judgments; embracing a positive outlook concerning life and their fellows; and dedicating themselves to the mastery of their own mind and reality – these are the people of our tribe. 

We revere that which is praiseworthy and honorable and advances our shared goal. We eschew all else.

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