Values, Beliefs, Actions, and Goals

Beliefs, values, goals, and actions are four legs to a table. You can’t have one without the other. Beliefs are the learned summaries or conclusions that every person has automatically absorbed throughout their entire life. The beliefs that you have are influenced by the culture you are born into, your socioeconomic environment, the educational opportunities …


As you sit in a chair, you are moving. You are a passenger on a rock hurling through the cosmos. Your chair is never in the same spot second to second even though you do not perceive the movement. There is always more happening than it is possible for you to see. This is the …

The journey to the mountain peak starts with small steps and a big vision.

I am really beginning to appreciate the small things. All of my life, I have tried to study people who have accomplished great feats, especially in the context of group effort. From my point of view, it always seemed like they bit off more than they could chew, yet somehow, they’re able to impose their …

If a person was alone on a deserted island their whole life, would their life have meaning?

There are two roads. One road goes towards the individual. The other road goes towards the tribe. Which do you choose? If you choose the road towards the individual, you are choosing to believe that you are enough. You believe that the individual is sufficient within himself, or perhaps that God within the individual is …

Meaning in the path of responsibility

The age-old question: What is the meaning of life? Many traditions have answered this question, and there are doubtless many valid answers. This post is about one such answer. I just finished reading a book called “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl. It is written by a psychiatrist who become a Holocaust concentration camp …


Do you believe that people have mission’s for their lives? When I look up the definition of mission, the definition I intend is “a strongly felt aim, ambition, or calling.” In this sense, mission seems to be a combination of our natural abilities (your “calling”) and our goals (our “ambitions”, which is a “strong desire …