Conversation Group


Each week, we host video chat conversations. We hope you join us!

We keep it strictly to 1 hour, and we just talk and listen to each other about things that matter to us.

Format of the Conversation

We open the conversation with a reminder of the following principles:

In our discussion groups, we have conversations about deep things that matter to us. We are seeking new ways of thinking and understanding to grow. For that reason, we share the following principles: 

I will keep the things that I hear about others confidential and not discuss them with anyone outside this group.

We strive to spend more time listening than we do speaking. 

We share knowledge, but we do not give advice. 

We ask probing questions, such as ”why”, to help people find their own answers. 

We are open to exploring new ideas that are different than our own. 

We recognize that other people’s beliefs and opinions are just as valid as our own. 

We strive to be the best versions of ourselves that we can be right now. 

To begin, we each spend up to approximately 2 minutes sharing what has been on our mind in the last week.

At the end, we spend up to 1 minute for every person to share their final thoughts.

Join the Conversation

Find us on Discord and we’ll send you the information to join!