Pepperoni Salad

A head of Romain lettuce quartered and then diced into two finger width A half pound of grated mozzarella Half of a red onion pickled in a 50% water 50% balsamic vinegar mix overnight (can stay in jar up to a year) 3 ounces of julienned pepperoni 3-4oz lunch meat ham julienned (cut long way …

The power to choose

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. Viktor Frankl Are you going to bend yourself to the reality around you, or are you going to bend reality to your self?

Using the C’s as a positive model for shaping who your best self can be

The C’s are a concept that I was introduced to through a quasi-spiritual, psychotherapy approach called the Internal Family Systems. The Foundation for Self-Leadership published their list of 8C’s. The reason I found this list of C’s to be helpful is because I can use it as a model of who I am when I …